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Neutral Density Filters (ND Filters)

Why use a neutral density filter? What does a neutral density filter do? These filters reduce the amount of light passing through the camera lens without changing the color of the scene. They are especially useful in bright light conditions to help prevent overexposure. Neutral Density filters also allow proper exposure at a wider lens opening for reduced depth-of-field to highlight a key subject by making the foreground and/or background out of focus. ND’s are must have filters especially if you are thinking of doing more landscape and nature photography. Digital photographers, this neutral density filter guide will help you determine the best neutral density filter for your situation. ND filters are one of the essential digital camera filters. They’ll work just as well as b&w nd filters as they do for color photography. Solid Neutral Density  IR Neutral Density  Graduated Neutral Density  Attenuator/Blender  Solid Neutral Density (ND filter) These filters reduce th

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